Sunday, July 27, 2008

Hiking and fishing in Norway, July 2008

Last week in July, we made a 7 day fishing trip to Troms fylke in Norway. It wasn't Your typical summer weather. The fish did bite despite the grueling weather, but they don't grow big in the small mountain lakes compared to nearer the coastline.
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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Ruovesi - Tampere kayak trip, June 2008

Starting where we left off last year, in Ruovesi, we made our way south towards Tampere. We covered the 75 km:s in three days. To see photos from our previous trip go here.
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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Riksgränsen Sweden - Norway, May 2008

Our last ski / hiking trip of the season was to Riksgränsen. Unfortunately the weather wasn't on our side with lots of rain and snow during all three days. At the same time southern Sweden enjoyed record warm and sunny weather. That's so unfair!
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Saturday, September 15, 2007

Höga kusten, September 2007

Having finished Kungsleden and Karhunkierros in past years, this autumn we decided to head across the pond to Sweden and the Höga Kusten "mountain" range. There's a map included so You can follow along.
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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Ähtäri - Ruovesi kayak trip, June 2007

Pictures from the a kayak trip trough the lakes of central Finland in mid June 2007.
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