Showing posts with label model. Show all posts
Showing posts with label model. Show all posts

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Pikanto FIN-XX, Winter 2010

After sailing a Triple Crown for over five years (with mixed results) it's time for a new and better designed boat. Click here to see the building of that old boat.

We had initially a lot of designs to pick from, but we chose a modern, Graham Bantock designed, Pikanto-model.

This time we didn't build it all from scratch, we got the hull from the factory of Immanen & Wallin in Helsinki. We hope to trick it out and optimize its performance and handling. This post will be updated during winter and spring of 2010. Stay tuned!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

IOM European Championships, November 2008

Eero L. (FIN-45) and myself (FIN-41) had the pleasure to represent Finland. We travelled to Croatia by car, the nonstop journey from Vasa to Dubrovnik took 3 days.
We had pleasant mediterranean weather, 20-25 degrees and mild winds, the kind of weather we have in Finland during summer months. The tide, on the other hand, was a new fenomena for us northerners.

Croatians really worked hard for the event and as You can see from the
results, they are very good sailors too. On the way home we made detours to Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Germany and Sweden.
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Sunday, May 1, 2005

Building a Triple Crown, May 2005

We built a Triple Crown IOM from scratch during the winter months of 2004-2005.
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