Sunday, June 18, 2017

Kayak trip Kuopio - Rantasalmi, June 2017

Paddling Kuopio - Rantasalmi.

This year our inland tour started from Kuopio. We experienced all three days both sun and rain. After 115 kilometers we ended up in Ranta-salmi.

Click on the first picture to start the lightbox slideshow with commentary.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Hiking in southern Turkey and Cyprus, October 2016

This year the pilgrimage started where I left off last year, Antalya. The plan was to take a ferry from Alanya to Cyprus, but surprisingly there were no connections. Had to travel to Tosuco to catch one. I again lucked out with the weather during my trip with no rain and temperatures of between 25 and 30 degrees. The next trip in 2017 is in the Holy Land.

Click on the first picture to start the lightbox slideshow with commentary.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Kayak trip Kuopio - Kiuruvesi, June 2016

After previously paddling two other lake- systems in Finland under a period of years, this time we decided to tackle lake Saimaa.

This time starting the adventure we had equipment for two kind of activities; four days of kayaking and three days of the finnish 5o5 championships i Helsinki.

Click on the first picture to start the lightbox slideshow with commentary.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Hiking in Turkey, October 2015

The pilgrimage this year started from Izmir (former Smyrna) and ended in Antalya. Had no fixed waypoints other than Efesos but came across many interesting places during the walk. People I met were polite and very friendly. Often we didn't share a common language but some elderly men had worked in Germany and spoke german. All in all the journey was a very positive experience.

Click on the first picture to start the lightbox slideshow with commentary.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Kayak trip Jämsä-Lahti, June 2015

Our yearly inland trip started a week before midsummer. Got a lot of rain and some sunny moments. The summer cottages along the waterways were still empty nor did we meet any other paddlers, but the wildlife was springin into life. Here some pictures from the journey.

Click on the first picture to start the lightbox slideshow with commentary.