Showing posts with label lakes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lakes. Show all posts

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Kayak trip Kuopio - Rantasalmi, June 2017

Paddling Kuopio - Rantasalmi.

This year our inland tour started from Kuopio. We experienced all three days both sun and rain. After 115 kilometers we ended up in Ranta-salmi.

Click on the first picture to start the lightbox slideshow with commentary.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Kayak trip Kuopio - Kiuruvesi, June 2016

After previously paddling two other lake- systems in Finland under a period of years, this time we decided to tackle lake Saimaa.

This time starting the adventure we had equipment for two kind of activities; four days of kayaking and three days of the finnish 5o5 championships i Helsinki.

Click on the first picture to start the lightbox slideshow with commentary.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Kayak trip Jämsä-Lahti, June 2015

Our yearly inland trip started a week before midsummer. Got a lot of rain and some sunny moments. The summer cottages along the waterways were still empty nor did we meet any other paddlers, but the wildlife was springin into life. Here some pictures from the journey.

Click on the first picture to start the lightbox slideshow with commentary.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Hiking in Finnmarken, August 2014

Spent the first weeks of august hiking and fishing. There was no human contacs during that time. The weather was good and sunny during the whole trip. The food consisted mostly of fish and was delicious

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Friday, July 4, 2014

Göta Kanal sommaren 2014

Under somrarna i 20 års tid har s/y Henrietta seglat längsmed Höga kusten på svenska sidan. Inspirerad av filmen Göta Kanal eller Vem drog ut proppen? företog vi denna sommar en kanaltur, vilket betyder i praktiken mycket motorköras. Resan gick från Vasa, genom både Göta- och Trollhättekanal ner till Göteborg och tillbaka. Under den cirka månadslånga färden byttes besättning fyra gånger. Här följer ett bildspel från den resan.

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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Kayak trip Äänekoski - Jämsä, June 2014

Our annual kayak trip started were we stopped last year; Äänekoski. After 4 days, 4 locks and descending 13,5 metres we arrived in Jämsä where we packed our kayaks in the car and headed home, hopefully to return next year when we'll continue our journey along the finnish inland lakes.

This year we experienced all kinds of weather, even snow during the midsummer week. Here are some of the photos we took on our trip.

Click on the first picture to start the lightbox slideshow with commentary.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Kayak trip Pihdipudas - Äänekoski, June 2013

Photos from our annual kayak trip on the finnish inland lakes.

Click on the first picture to start the lightbox slideshow with commentary.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Hiking in Norway, August 2011

Needed some fresh air so we went hiking in Finnmarken in Norway. Nine days living rough and without human contact, food was great.

Click on the first picture to start the lightbox slideshow with commentary.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Sailing in Lake Saimaa, July 2011

This summer we decided to experience what the inland lakes of Finland had to offer. First we had to sail south through the Gulf of Bothnia, the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Finland towards russian waters. After passport checks at the border we would have to make our way up the Saimaa canal and into finnish territorial waters again.

This was a one and a half month journey and we had four different crews helping us out along the way. Everybody took photos and after sorting through all of them, here's a small selection. Click the first photo after the map to start the slideshow.