Showing posts with label kayaking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kayaking. Show all posts

Friday, June 30, 2023

Midsommarpaddling, Juni 2023

Midsommarpaddling, Juni 2023.

Traditionsenligt blev det insjöpaddling midsommarveckan. Den här gången blev det sydöstra hörnet av Saimen. Startade från Salmensuu i Puumala. Turen gick medsols; Ruokolahti, Imatra, Päiviösaari och Lintusalo. Fem paddlingsdagar, 140km samt många trevliga minnen var turens saldo.

Klicka på första bilden för att starta.

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Stor-Saimen paddling, Juni 2022

Stor-Saimen paddling, Juni 2022.

Årets insjöpaddling startade och slutade i Partakorki i Savitaipale kommun. I början var vädret inte det bästa; regn och blåst, men redan halvvägs visade norra Stor-Saimen sin soliga sida. Här finns otaliga fina sandstränder och lägerplatser. Det blev fem paddlingsdagar och 141 kilometer.

Click on the first picture to start.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Midsommarpaddling, Juni 2021

Midsommarpaddling, Juni 2021.

Årets insjöpaddling startade och slutade i Anttola, ca. 30 km sydost om St. Michel. Det var glest med båtar, kajaker och människor under midsommarveckan ute i skärgården. Vädret var i överlag bra, om man vill klaga så var det lite onödigt hett. Med kajak söker man ibland vindskydd i lä av holmar, den här gången sökte vi skugga. För min den blev det 191 km på 6 dagar.

Click on the first picture to start.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Kayaking on Lake Vuoksi, June 2019

Kayaking on Lake Vuoksi, June 2019.

This year our inland tour started and ended in Savonlinna. We paddled on Lake Pihlajavesi.
I paddled alone for the first three days after which a couple of friends also joined in. Paddled a total distance of 215 kilometers in 6 days.

Click on the first picture to start.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Kayak trip Kuopio - Rantasalmi, June 2017

Paddling Kuopio - Rantasalmi.

This year our inland tour started from Kuopio. We experienced all three days both sun and rain. After 115 kilometers we ended up in Ranta-salmi.

Click on the first picture to start the lightbox slideshow with commentary.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Kayak trip Kuopio - Kiuruvesi, June 2016

After previously paddling two other lake- systems in Finland under a period of years, this time we decided to tackle lake Saimaa.

This time starting the adventure we had equipment for two kind of activities; four days of kayaking and three days of the finnish 5o5 championships i Helsinki.

Click on the first picture to start the lightbox slideshow with commentary.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Kayak trip Jämsä-Lahti, June 2015

Our yearly inland trip started a week before midsummer. Got a lot of rain and some sunny moments. The summer cottages along the waterways were still empty nor did we meet any other paddlers, but the wildlife was springin into life. Here some pictures from the journey.

Click on the first picture to start the lightbox slideshow with commentary.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Kayak trip Äänekoski - Jämsä, June 2014

Our annual kayak trip started were we stopped last year; Äänekoski. After 4 days, 4 locks and descending 13,5 metres we arrived in Jämsä where we packed our kayaks in the car and headed home, hopefully to return next year when we'll continue our journey along the finnish inland lakes.

This year we experienced all kinds of weather, even snow during the midsummer week. Here are some of the photos we took on our trip.

Click on the first picture to start the lightbox slideshow with commentary.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Kayak trip Pihdipudas - Äänekoski, June 2013

Photos from our annual kayak trip on the finnish inland lakes.

Click on the first picture to start the lightbox slideshow with commentary.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Ikaalinen - Tampere kayak trip, june 2011

Our inland kayak trip started right after the 5o5- Championships in Helsinki. On sunday evening we drove to Manso-niemi, where we on monday morning set off. When we got to Kyröskoski later that day we found out, to our surprise, that the whole river Pappilanjoki in Kyröskoski was closed. One of us had to go back and get our car to get us passed this unforseen obstacle. Despite this setback the trip was a success, we had all kinds of weather and gathered 73kms.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Huittinen - Pori kayak trip, June 2010

Our latest inland kayaking trip started in Huittinen where we ended up last year. Our goal this year was to finish up in Pori, 85 kilometers away, by the coast. The idea was to leave the car in Huittinen and after reaching Pori, one of us would take a bus back to Huittinen to get the car. This was the last stage of five. Fortunately there are a lot of lakes and waterways to explore in coming summers but there is no way to top the weather we had on this trip.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Hanko Sea Kayak Gathering, August 2009

Kayakists from all over Finland gathered for their second annual meeting in Hanko, in southern Finland. There were lots of lectures and practical training to better safety and navigation etc.

On the other hand this meeting gave the opportunity to meet and enjoy the sport with likeminded people.

A big thanks to the organizers, NIL Finland.

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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Tampere - Huittinen kayak trip, June 2009

Second to last leg of our kayak tour of the lakes of western Finland. It rained for most of the 81 km:s but all in all it was a interesting trip.

here to see the first part (2007) and here to see the second part (2008).
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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Ruovesi - Tampere kayak trip, June 2008

Starting where we left off last year, in Ruovesi, we made our way south towards Tampere. We covered the 75 km:s in three days. To see photos from our previous trip go here.
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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Hobby activities, Winter 2007

As You can tell from the lack of updates on the site, nothing major is happening during the winter months. However, there is alot of work going on in preparation for next season. We're working on two half models and doing some improvements on Henrietta. Here are some photos of Henrietta sailing, just before the sea freezes over, also included are some early pictures of the half model of the Triple Crown.
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